Thursday, January 25, 2024

Laughter: Maybe the Best Form of Medicine


Humor changes brain chemistry, releasing endorphins that increase our sense of well-being, improve our reasoning, and make us less sensitive to pain.

Laughter is a proven stress reducer. A good belly laugh both requires and improves deeper breathing and reduces muscle tension.

People who have joy in their lives are more likely to feel good about themselves. It also seems fairly obvious that having a sense of humor helps one cope with life's stressors and crises.

Humor can ultimately be used as a coping tool for almost any difficulty because it engages an increase in depth of breathing that relaxes, refreshes, and restores.

Humor makes life fun. Laughter is a primary release mechanism from tension. When ridiculousness' occurs and our breath releases, we can more readily see the beauty, joy, wittiness or intelligence and better accept unfamiliar or too familiar forms.

Breathing and humor can be a safety valve for the healthy release and expression of anger and other strong feelings and emotions.

Humor is mentally and physically good for everyone offering perspective and balance while providing temporary relief from the world's restrictive regulations.

Humor is a means of communication and creative expression. Humor affirms life and brings people together.

Humor is a way to express the truth even when the truth is feared. Humor is very beneficial in strengthening relationships.

It gives one a special perspective and sense of power. Humor also dispels anger and aggression and relieves tension.Those of us that learn to find humor even in some of the grim realities and emotion-packed challenges of daily life have an edge on peace of mind.

Notice what happens with your breathing after you laugh a lot.

Your breathing slows down and becomes fuller and deeper. Your voice becomes more resonant

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